Our Story

In the beginning of 2012, my mother brought me to the US from China in an attempt to escape her toxic family and abusive husband. I was about 11 years old at the time, but I fully understood why my mother had to run away with me.

We did not speak much English or know any friends in Southern California. Fortunately, she met my stepfather, whom I call "Dad" today, and got married shortly after. He gave me a bed to sleep in, food in my belly, a roof over my head, and a Pomeranian puppy named "Chewy." Needless to say, there is no method of appreciation that can truly describe how much that man means to me.

Shortly after, we began dealing with money problems. Kids at my school made fun of me because of the way I talked, the way I looked, and the food that I ate. Life was simply not better now that I was in the United States.

However, every time I came home, Chewy jumped up and down with the biggest smile on his face. He would do circles around me as I said, "Hey, Chewy!" He would run up and down the stairs to "inform" my parents of my arrival, as if they did not hear the door open already. He was our little sunshine during our darkest nights.

He was not always like this. The first time I laid eyes on him, he was frail, nervous, and scared of maintaining eye contact with me. Every single time we tried to pet him, he would flinch at our touch. I initially thought that he was just a shy dog, but after having him for a while, we realized that this dog had been abused in the past.

The thought of someone hurting this tiny, innocent creature kept us up at night. My mother, father, and I vowed to protect Chewy at all costs. Those who intentionally hurt animals became our worst enemies after we got Chewy.

We also realized another horrifying thought: there are many animals that do not have a family like us. Some are still on the streets, begging for food and being kicked and punched for doing something they do not understand. Some are too old to be adopted, and so they need to be put down.

That is the foundational motivation behind Paw Prints. Your contributions will leave a "print" on the vision we hope to build for our pets. With a background in art, we have been scribbling away to create posters that will bring you laughter, joy, and warmth, while at the same time, creating a better world for all our fur babies.

- Brian Shen

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